Project Profile
Project Consulting Services,® Inc.

BakkenLink Pipeline System
132 Mile Crude Oil Pipeline in North Dakota
BakkenLink pipeline is a 132-mile crude oil pipeline system that transports approximately 85,000 barrels of oil per day from North Dakota and Montana’s prolific Bakken oil producing region in the Williston Basin to a rail interconnect point near Belfield, ND. The truck unloads are capable of providing 30,000 barrels per day into the 12” pipeline.
System information
Crude oil pipeline system consisting of approximately 132 miles of 8-inch and 12-inch steel crude oil pipeline extending from multiple receipt points in Billings, McKenzie, Stark, and Williams Counties, North Dakota, to an interconnection with a crude oil rail loading facility at Fryburg, North Dakota. It transports light, sweet crude oil produced in portions of Billings, Dunn, McKenzie, Stark, and Williams Counties, North Dakota.
PCS Scope of Work
PCS provided services for concept development, Engineering, Project Management, GIS, Construction Management, Inspection, and Traceability & Records Management services.
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