Project Profile
Project Consulting Services,® Inc.

Jackson Dome Laterals
Pipelines with High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Liners
This is a multi-lateral CO2 gathering system comprised of a total of 47 miles of pipe ranging from 6-inch to 20-inch diamterers, designed to transport 41,000 tonnes per day (~15,000,000 tonnes per annum). The system transports “wet” CO2 and incorporates the use of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) liners.
The primary Gulf Coast CO2 source, Jackson Dome, located near Jackson, Mississippi, produces large amounts of, and relatively pure source naturally occurring CO2 (98% CO2) is the only significant underground deposit of CO2 in the United States east of the Mississippi River. This source provides the ability to deliver CO2 to oil fields all along the Gulf Coast from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to Alvin, Texas.
PCS Scope of Work
The PCS scope of work included route development, design, project management, permitting, environmental oversight, inspection, as-builts, data book compilation, and material traceability.
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