Project Profile
Project Consulting Services,® Inc.

Seaway Pipeline
726 Mile Expansion of 30” & 36” Crude Pipeline
PCS supplied pipeline traceability and compliance services for 62,138 welds captured with C.A.T.S.® and document management for 242,280 documents with Epilogue®. Additionally, PCS Traceability & Records Management teamed with PCS Compliance & Integrity to assist the client in navigating 15 audits performed by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).
System information
The original Seaway system includes a 500-mile, 30-inch diameter pipeline between Cushing, Oklahoma and the Freeport, Texas area, and a terminal and distribution crude oil network originating in Texas City, Texas that serves all of the refineries in the Greater Houston area. Consisting of nine continuous spreads, the Seaway II Pipeline crossed two states with 726 miles (1168 km) of 30-inch (76-cm) and 36-inch (91.5-cm) of crude oil pipeline.
PCS Scope of Work
PCS scope included Traceability & Records Management, and Compliance & Integrity for the entire project .and Engineering, GIS, Project Management, Permitting Support for a portion of the project.
Segment 7
70 miles of 30” pipeline and appurtenances with 24 HDDs, over 140 stream crossings and over 200 bores. PCS scope included Engineering, GIS, Project Management, Permitting Support, Traceability & Records Management and Compliance & Integrity services.
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